clean water and sanitation

All of the water consumed each day serves to clean the needs of human economic and domestic life This clean water is dispersed in the environment with all the pollution it contains without being clean

All of the water consumed each day serves to clean the needs of human economic and domestic life. this clean water is dispersed in the environment with all the pollution it contains without being cleaned in turn.

Biotechnology makes it possible to recover 80 billion liters of water/urine and 400 billion liters of water and faecal matter every day for watering green areas.

a specific device would make it possible to water farms with a biological fertilizing liquid, eliminating the use of chemical fertilizers.

in individual use each habitat waters its vegetable garden

Une biotechnologie permet de récupérer chaque jour 80 milliards de litres d'eau/urine et 400 milliards de litres d'eau/ matière fécale pour l'arrosage d'espaces de verdure Un dispositif spécifique permet d'arroser les exploitations agricoles avec un liquide biologique fertilisant supprimant l'usage d'engrais chimique En usage individuel chaque habitat arrose son jardin potager 

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