Clean water and sanitation

Eco-friendly cleaning products

First grade students have participated in the ESDW under the guidance of their chemistry teacher Nasta Kos. They took part in the initiative by making cleaning products for removing scale and fungi. Apart from this, they have  made glass cleaner and air freshener as well. All these products are made of eco-friendly ingredients, such as alcoholic vinegar, borax, ethanol, natural powdered soap, distilled water, and essential oils from lemon, mandarin and eucalyptus, all of which do not harm our health and are environmentally friendly.

Učenici 1.c razreda  sudjelovali su u obilježavanju Tjedna održivog razvoja. 

Učenici su pod vodstvom mentorice Naste Kos na satu kemije napravili ekološka sredstva za uklanjanje kamenca i gljivica, ekološko sredstvo za pranje stakla i osvježivač prostora. Ova sredstva ne ugrožavaju ljudsko zdravlje i ne zagađuju prirodu, a proizvode se od nekoliko sastojaka: alkoholni ocat, boraks, etilni alkohol, mljeveni prirodni sapun, destilirana voda te eterična ulja limuna, mandarine i eukaliptusa.

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