Children’s Fair “Every person on Earth can make a difference”

By organizing Children’s fair called “Every person on Earth can make a difference” to educate children that each of us can make a personal contribution to achieve the 17 goals SD.

In the context of education for sustainable development during the European Week of sustainable development, children from Children’s City Council of the City of Opatija will organize a children’s fair called “Every person on Earth can make a difference.” The aim of the fair is to educate the children from Opatija, about what each of us can do to help achieve the goals of sustainable development. The councilors from Children’s council will share promotional and educational materials with tips on preserving the planet Earth and organize  the exchange of things  (clothes, books, toys …)among children. With the implementation of these activities children will  develop a sense of humanity  because the things they no longer need,they will donate to those in need.

U kontekstu edukacije o odgoju i obrazovanju za održivi razvoj tijekom Europskog tjedna održivog razvoja, vijećnici Dječjeg gradskog vijeća Grada Opatije organizirat će dječji sajam pod nazivom "Svaki čovjek na Zemlji može učiniti promjenu". Cilj sajma je educirati djecu iz Opatije što svatko od nas može učiniti kako bi pridonio ostvarenju ciljeva održivog razvoja. Vijećnici će dijeliti promidžbeno - edukativne materijale sa savjetima za očuvanje planeta Zemlje, ali i organizirati razmjenu stvari (roba, knjige, igračke...). Provedbom ove aktivnosti razvijat će se osjećaj humanosti kod djece jer će stvari koje im više ne trebaju, donirati potrebitima. 

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