Child in a City – Urbn Walk Directed by Children

Children are showing and talking about urban space where they walk every they. This is a way to let grownups know how youngsters feel about spaces that adults create for all of us.

How to make urban spaces more accessible and attractive  for children? Which are children’s movement choices around their school and home and how is the surrounding environment changing those choices? Which places are playful, interesting, dangerous, scary or boring? All these questions are best answered by children themselves.It is about time to remind grownups how and with which thoughts our descendants walk around in the city that we all live in. The Urban Walk is guided by students in fourth and eight grade. Let us keep in mind that there are many well known city planners who have said that when we plan the public space from the childs point of view, we create a space which is also enjoyable for adults.

Kuidas muuta linnaruum lastele ligipääsetavamaks ning atraktiivsemaks? Millised on laste liikumisvalikud nende kooliümbruses ja naabruskonnas ning kuidas ümbritsev keskkond neid valikuid mõjutab? Millised kohad on mängulised ja põnevad, millised ohtlikud, hirmutavad, igavad või kõhedad? Kõikidele nendele küsimustele oskavad kõige paremini vastata lapsed ise.Lastekaitsepäev on suurepärane aeg täiskasvanutel meelde tuletada, milliste mõtetega liiguvad tänavail meie järeltulijad. Retke viivad läbi Kadrioru Saksa Gümnaasiumi 4. ja 8. klassi õpilased.Peame meelses, et paljud tuntud linnaplaneerijad on rõhutanud, et planeerides avalikku ruumi laste vaatenurgast lähtuvalt, kujundame mõnusa ruumi ka täiskasvanutele.

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