Cherries all around

Students will plant cherry trees in a school yard

Our school is upbringing and educating students with special needs. Emphasis in our approach is developing practical skills about different fields of everyday’s life, also raising environmental awareness through practical activities. Our school is located in a quarter Trešnjevka. The name comes from the fruit cherry (in croatian language it is “trešnja”). To support our student’s knowledge about local comunity (Trešnjevka – coming from the word “cherry”), we have decided to plant cherry trees in our school’ yard. Students will participate at all steps of this activity: discussing the position of the plant, buying, planting, taking care of the tree at different seasons, picking up the fruits. That will be a nice contribution to responsible consumption and production, an initiative that teaches students that not all foods has to be bought at stores, but we may take active role at its producton.

Naša škola odgaja i obrazuje učenike s posebnim potrebama. Naglasak u našem pristupu je razvijanje praktičnih vještina o različitim područjima svakodnevnog života, kao i podizanje ekološke svijesti kroz praktične aktivnosti. Naša škola nalazi se na Trešnjevci. Naziv dolazi od ploda trešnje (engl. "cherry"). Kako bismo podržali povezanost i informiranost naših učenika o lokalnoj zajednici, odlučili smo posaditi stabla trešnje u dvorištu škole. Učenici će sudjelovati u svim koracima ove aktivnosti: razgovarati o položaju biljke, kupnji, sadnji, brizi o stablu u različitim godišnjim dobima, branju plodova. Osim toga, biti će kontinuiranih razgovora o održivom razvoju. Bit će to lijep doprinos odgovornoj konzumaciji i proizvodnji, inicijativa koja učenike uči da ne moraju sve namirnice kupovati u trgovinama, nego možemo i aktivno sudjelovati u njihovoj proizvodnji.

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