Catch the tiger!

If you want to continue the process of collecting and interpreting data proliferation tiger mosquito, mosquito in adulthood come and hook here!

If you want to continue the process of collecting and interpreting data proliferation tiger mosquito, mosquito in adulthood come and hook here!

This will be the second in a series of three workshops will be over this year. This workshop will help us understand how, through citizen science, you can monitor and contribute to scientific data on the spread of a species such as the tiger mosquito.

We will start the workshop jointly responding to questions arisen during the previous edition and looking for sources of information that participants have used to find answers to the questions that will be sent to all participants before this session.

We will learn how it works Tigratrapp aplication regarding the identification of adult mosquitoes

Si vols continuar el procés de recollida i interpretació de dades de la proliferació del mosquit tigre, en la fase adulta dels mosquits, vine i enganxa-t’hi!

Segona sessió del taller de ciència ciutadana per saber com fer front a plagues com el mosquit tigre.

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