Business Breakfast Discussion Theme: Mainstreaming Sustainable Development in Malta – Gearing towards a Circular Economy

The Business Breakfast will be addressing the Economic pillar of Sustainable Development in Malta focusing on the circular economy and how to achieve green growth.

The Business Breakfast will include presentations and discussions on how the circular economy can create value from an environmental, economic and social point of view, and will include speakers from the European Commission, Ministries, Departments and Entities, Academia, Constituted Bodies and the private sector. 

Dan il-Business Breakfast se jinkludi preżentazzjonijiet u diskussjonijiet dwar kif l-ekonomija ċirkolari tista ' toħloq valur minn perspettiva ambjentali, ekonomika u soċjali, u tinkludi kelliema mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea, Ministeri, Dipartimenti u Entitajiet, Akkademja, Korpi Kostitwiti u s-settur privat .

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