Biodiversity day with the population and guests

An active day to enhance biodiversity and to promote living space for the Capercaillie.

With the Population and guests the living space of Capercaillie will promoted. The work will be done in two Groups. The first Group is working active with the local forester and the other Group is doing a Kind of Monitoring of the presence of Capercaillie. The financial Support is given by WWF Switzerland.

La sonda dals 4 gün 2016 ha lö a Sent ün di da la biodiversità per la populaziun e pels giasts. I’l cuntegn da Dartòs vegnan fattas lavuors da chüra a favur dals spazis vitals per l’urogal. Aint il listess territori pon ils partecipants cooperar pro üna taxaziun da stizis per stimar il nomer d’urogals chi vegnan avant a Datòs. v. d. per ün uschè nomnà monitoring.Il di da biodiversità vain realisà da la Fundaziun Pro Terra Engiadina in collavuraziun cun l’uffizi da god e privels da la natüra dal chantun Grischun, dal servezzan forestal d’Engiadina Bassa sco eir dal rapreschantant regiuna da l’uffizi da chatscha e pes-cha dal Grischun. Sustgnü finanzialmaing vain quist di dal WWF.

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