Bean picking is one of the activities in the project „School garden“, conducted in the Primary school „Mato Lovrak“ Kutina, Croatia, during year 2020 as a part of the LORA project.

Primary school „Mato Lovrak“, Kutina, Croatia, conducts a project „School garden – a place for education, volunteer work and entrepreneurship“ as a part of the LORA project. We started our project by planting beans, pumpkins and hazelnut trees on previously unused school land. The goal was to improve the work of the school coperative Lovrakovci by educating students, developing their skills and cooperation with the local community and family farms and business.

Students which are included into this project are educated about growing particular plants and are actively included into all stages of product development: soil preparation, seed and plant purchase, planting, picking, preparation and packing of the final product for the market, advertising and sales. This week students who are involved into the „School garden“ project volunteered in the school garden and picked the beans which are to be sold later on. They will do research in their families about food preparation – how beans were used now and in the past. They will also write down recipes to preserve the way this plant was used before and the way it is used today. The same procedure is to follow with pumpkins and hazelnuts.

U okviru projekta LORA u OŠ Mate Lovraka Kutina provodi se projekt Školski vrt - mjesto za edukaciju, volontiranje i poduzetništvo, kojim smo na neiskorištenom školskom zemljištu započeli uzgoj graha, tikve i lijeske kako bi se unaprijedio rad učeničke zadruge Lovrakovci kroz edukaciju učenika, razvoj vještina i suradnju s lokalnom zajednicom i obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvom. Učenici uključeni u projekt educiraju se o uzgoju biljnih kultura i aktivno sudjeluju u etapama nastajanja proizvoda u školi: priprema tla, nabava sjemenki i sadnica, sadnja, uzgoj, berba, priprema i pakiranje proizvoda za tržište, promidžba i prodaja tih proizvoda. Ovaj tjedan učenici uključeni u projekt volontirali su u školskom vrtu i pobrali grah koji će pripremiti za prodaju. Kod kuće će istražiti kako se priprema hrana od graha u obitelji danas i nekad te prema tome sastaviti recepte kako bi se očuvao način njegove uporabe. U naredno vrijeme ih očekuju slične aktivnosti s plodovima tikve i lijeske.

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