Baš je IN biti GREEN 2 / It is IN to be GREEN 2

eTwinning project Baš je IN biti GREEN 2 / It is IN to be GREEN 2

Project activities are intended to introduce and enable the participation of high school students in activities related to sustainable development goals, especially action in the field of climate, understanding the importance of the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle model (R-R-R) as well as sustainable (green) consumption.

Climate action is the thirteenth of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The targets were set by the United Nations as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Agenda was launched in 2015 and adopted by 193 countries.

Because all countries are feeling the devastating effects of climate change, we must all act together.

Djelovanje u području klime trinaesti je od sedamnaest Ciljeva održivog razvoja ( 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)). Ciljeve su odredili Ujedinjeni narodi kao dio Agende za održivi razvoj 2030. Agenda je pokrenuta 2015. godine, a usvojile su je 193 zemlje.

Budući da sve zemlje osjećaju razorne učinke klimatskih promjena svi zajedno moramo djelovati.

Projektne aktivnosti namijenjene su upoznavanju i sudjelovanju učenika u aktivnostima vezanim uz Ciljeve održivog razvoja osobito u djelovanju u području klime, spoznaje važnosti modela Reduce- Reuse- Recycle (R-R-R) kao i održive (zelene) potrošnje.

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Click link to get detailed information about SDGs..

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