Bar Tables

Teachers & pupils made bar tables using metal and wooden construction of old desks

Teachers Marin Dostal, Matej Milašinović, Darko Šoma and their pupils made bar tables using metal and wooden construction of school desks which were no longer in use.

Teacher Monika Vojvodić-Andričević and school psychologist Ana Marija Ević came up with the idea of depicting the tables. They chose ”The Four Elements” theme and used the symbols from popular animated TV series. They presented the elements in the form of woman face silhouettes.

Nastavnici Marin Dostal, Matej Milašinović i Darko Šoma izradili su barske stolove od metalne konstrukcije reciklirane iz starih stolova te od drvenih površina tih istih stolova. 

Nastavnica Monika Vojvodić-Andričević te stručna suradnica psihologinja Ana Marija Ević radile su na oslikavanju stolova. Izabrale su temu 'Četiri elementa' te koristile simbole iz popularnog animiranog serijala uz stilizirani prikaz elemenata u obliku silueta ženskih lica.

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