AsyLove – migrants from Zagreb visiting ZOO

As part of ongoing project AsyLove, aimed at integration of young migrants and asylum seekers from Porin acceptance center, JCI Zagreb is organizing a fun-educational excursion to local ZOO.

JCI Zagreb, youth organization, realised that migrants/asylum seekers that stay in the Porin acceptance center have all basic needs covered (bed, food, clothes…), but what they are missing is content to enrich their lives and give them better development opportunities.Therefore JCI Zagreb initiated cooperation with NGO „AreYouSyrious?“ that is active in helping migrants and informing public about issues related to them.We started a project AsyLove – with aim to provide better integration opportunities for these kids and young people and to reduce inequalities based on ethnicity, origin and religion.AsyLove brings 2 sets of activities through cooperation with local businesses and institutions: Fun and Educational. So far we have organized birthday celebration, visited Museum of Illusions, danced together on a class led by a famous dancer. On 4th June around 20 kids will get the opportunity for a fun and insightful afternoon in a local ZOO. Everybody is looking forward!

JCI Zagreb, organizacija za mlade, svjestan je da migranti/tražitelji azila iz prihvatnog centra Porin imaju pokrivene sve osnovne potrebe, no da im nedostaje sadržaj koji bi im obogatio svakodnevicu i pružio razvojne mogućnosti.Stoga je JCI Zagreb započeo suradnju s udrugom „AreYouSyrious?“ koja je aktivna u pomaganju migranata i informiranju javnosti.Započeli smo projekt AsyLove – s ciljem omogućavanja boljih prilika za integraciju mladim ljudima i djeci te smanjvanja nejednakosti baziranih na  etničkoj i vjerskoj pripadnosti.AsyLove donosi im 2 vrste aktivnosti kroz suradnju s lokalnim poduzećima i institucijama: Zabavne i Edukativne. Dosad smo organizirali rođendansku proslavu, posjetili Muzej Iluzija, plesali na radionici vođenoj od našeg poznatog plesača. U lipnju (4.6.) 20-ak djece će imati priliku provesti zabavno i edukativno popodne u gradskom Zoološkom vrtu. Svi se jako radujemo!

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