A trip to castle Šmajd and river Kokra canyon

As a part of European Sustainable Development Week Ljudska univerza Kranj organises a trip, that will be a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage.

As a part of European Sustainable Development Week Ljudska univerza Kranj organises a trip, that will be a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage. An experienced tourist guide will take us through the canyon of river Kokra and we will have the opportunity to see the secret hideout that we call castle Šmajd.

V sklopu Tedna izobraževanja za trajnostni razvoj Ljudska univerza Kranj organizira izlet, ki bo edinstvena kombinacija naravnih lepot in kulturne dediščine. V družbi izkušenega turističnega vodnika si bomo ogledali kanjon reke Kokre in v njem skrito zavetišče, ki mu rečemo Šmajdov grad.

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