3rd International Digital Construction Hackathon

3rd International Digital Construction Hackathon is coming to build next success stories in the construction industry. This time vent is virtual + onsite in Tallinn and Helsinki.

Digital Construction 2021 is a hybrid event that will take place both ONLINE and ON-SITE, simultaneously in Estonia (in Tallinn, at The Estonian Academy of Arts) and Finland (in Helsinki, at KIRAHub). Feel free to work on the challenge you want, regardless of your country of origin.

Garage48 hackathon is an intense, hands-on experience with expert mentoring, checkpoints, demo drills, and hard teamwork where you can implement your creativity and resourcefulness to the full extent. These are the essential parts in building working prototypes in just 48 hours that will become the change makers and drivers of the development of the digital construction industry. 

Hackathon directly tackles SDGs nr 09 and 11! Everyone is welcomed – interested persons and teams can register themselves until 19.09!!!!

Kolmas Digitaalehituse häkaton ootab kõiki häkkima erinevatel ehitusvaldkona teemadel, et arendada meie eluruumi ning ehitustegevuse protsesse ja etappe veelgi innovaatilisemaks ja ressursitõhusamaks.

Ootatud on kõik huvilised sõltumata asukohast. Üritus toimub nii virtuaalselt kui kohapeal Tallinnas ja Helsingis.

Registreerumine lõpeb 19.09 23:59

Theme category

Click link to get detailed information about SDGs..

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